JunkMale are
Doug Halligan, Robbie Cross, Paul Henshaw and the excellent Terry Stirling driving the band at the back. JunkMale also includes Lance Donnelly and Rob Thomas who have helped us to be where we are, thanks to them.
Doug Halligan: Writer, Composer, Arranger, 12 string and Electric Guitars, Bass, Vocals
Robbie Cross: Keyboards, Drums, Electric, and Slide Guitars, Fiddle, Banjo and things found lying around. Arranger, Engineer, Programming and Production,
Paul Henshaw: Guitars and Vocals
- Terry Stirling Drums
Lance Donnelly; Drums
All Tracks written and composed by Doug Halligan except for Fallin Down written by Doug Halligan and Ken Smith. Arrangements by Rob Paul and Doug.
Recorded at the Village Recorder, Wirral, England.
Drum programming Rob and Doug.
Vocals and Vocal Arrangements by Doug and occasionally Rob with his tribute to Jake Thackeray.
Backing vocals preformed impeccably most of the time by The Hallygoons.
Brass arrangements by Rob and played by the Spitkings.
Thanks to Steinberg and Yamaha.
Many thanks for any money you may have parted with in order to read this, the next musical melange is on its way, so see you next time.
Your Health!